We’re not reporting to the SEC.

We’re reporting ON the SEC.

Video One - March 5, 2025

DOGE-SEC Where the HELL Are YOU??? We have bulletproof information and no way to reach you.

A Means To An End - Who, Who Else, and Since When?

An excerpt.

“The questions that will have to be answered are terrifying.  Think about it.

While we believe that this “deep state” type of operation began around 1999, the bulk has transpired over the last 10 years. Consider that there have been three SEC Chairs, and approximately 11,000 employees at the SEC (including FINRA).

There’s no doubt that most of the 11,000 employees were unsuspecting victims of their employer themselves, not knowing that they were used as pawns to carry out a mission.  But, the chances that not even ONE person knew the truth about the Howey Test and investment contracts is astronomically low.  Impossible. 

On the contrary, once you know the true facts and consider the circumstances, policies, and motives, it’s abundantly clear that this was a long-term scheme devised and carried out by certain people in deep and at the top.  That includes the SEC and other financial agencies working together to control our currency, our money, how we pay for things, what we spend our money on, how we finance our government, and  so on.”


We’ll post more of this passage in the coming days, but consider these terrifying questions that have to be answered. 

Why so terrifying?  Because this was all perpetrated in a careless and reckless manner with no regard for the law, justice, morals, or ethics.  This was executed by the “enemy within” at the expense of companies destroyed, lives destroyed, lives lost, fortunes lost.  

We, the unsuspecting American people, were used as a means to an end in this evil scheme.  Ask yourself…

Who at the SEC and other agencies knew the truth but pretended they didn’t know?  Who were the leaders in this plan?  How high and how deep does this go?  How long has this gone on?


Fri 3/16/25 - SUMMIT - CHICAGO

Freeing Howey Investment Contract Summit - Chicago, IL Contact us for details.

Sat 3/25 - New Docs Discovered at Howey Mansion, Howey Test is DONE, and Being Re-named.

SEC Whistleblower on “Howey Test”: Newly Discovered Howey Estate Documents Further Undermine SEC’s Flawed Investment Contract Speculation

Howey-In-The-Hills, FL - Howey Mansion

Friday 3/7/25 - The Freeing Howey Investment Contract Summit

Howey-In-The-Hills, FL - Undisclosed location

Friday 3/7/24 - American Bald Eagle Photos at the Freeing Howey Investment Contract Summit

Howey-In-The-Hills, FL - Undisclosed location

Friday 3/7/25 - Whistleblowing Event

Capitol Hill, Washington D.C.

The SEC lied, cheated, and defrauded the crypto industry, the defendants, crypto holders, independent investors, and the American people. From the beginning none of this made any sense at all, and something was fishy.

Instincts told us that the SEC must be cheating. So we set out to determine if, how, and why. It was a massive undertaking at costs of tens of millions using thousands of man hours, AI, and quant computing. But worth it…

Our instincts were right. The SEC has been lying, cheating, and stealing. We know how, and we know why, and we can prove it.

Crypto defendants learn more relief and recovery for damages, and SEC cheaters learn more.

Read our First SEC Whistleblower submission to the SEC Tues 3/11/25


Past events

Thursday 3/6/25 - The Freeing Howey Investment Contract Summit

Howey-In-The-Hills, FL

Friday 3/7/25 - The Freeing Howey Investment Contract Summit

Howey-In-The-Hills, FL

Capitol Hill, Washington D.C.

The Truth About Investment Contracts - the truth about the SEC

The Truth About Investment Contracts - the truth about the SEC

The - Truth -About- Investment- Contracts ----- the-truth-about-the-SEC

The - Truth -About- Investment- Contracts ----- the-truth-about-the-SEC

Freeing howey

investment contract


howey-in-the-hills, fl

YES, Mr. Howey was a real person (and a pretty great guy!). And the town he developed, Howey-In-The-Hills, was and is still a real town. The Summit will be held at the Town Hall and four undisclosed locations.

whistleblower report

We will unveil one of the core pieces of our whistleblower report known as the crypto industry’s Manual for Destruction of SEC Cases (2025, J. Keener)

“howey test” destruction

Investment contracts and the “Howey Test” are at the forefront of the SEC’s litigation, so… As the world’s only experts on the “Howey Test,” we will be completely destroying it before your eyes. We will also be officially renaming it the “****** ****.”

Completely ridiculous

In JK’s words, “The ‘HT’ is the most completely ridiculous thing I have ever seen in my career. Nobody, and I mean nobody, knows what in the hell they’re talking about, so they just make up this idiotic, ridiculous ‘vertical commonality or horizontal commonality’ bullshit. This is all a joke and a disgrace, but it’s a true representation of the complete incompetence of the SEC and everyone involved.

the whistleblower

The whistleblower’s name is Justin W. Keener, and he is apparently the only person in the world who understands the HT, therefore making him the world’s only expert. He is also probably the world’s foremost expert on the securities acts from 1933 and 1934.

Thursday March 6, 2025 to

Friday March 7, 2025